To make a delicious hot chocolate drink, you will need chocolate, milk, water, honey and patience.
Recipe for making cocoa drink
For 500 ml of cocoa you need:
50 g of chopped dark chocolate with bitters
215 g of milk
215 ml. water
20 g of honey (or sugar to taste)
Cooking instructions
In a small saucepan, melt the chocolate over low heat.
Add a little milk and mix thoroughly to form a smooth paste without lumps, use a blender.
Add the rest of the milk and water and place the saucepan over medium heat.
Heat the mixture until it begins to boil, stirring occasionally to prevent burning on the bottom of the pan.
After boiling, lower the heat. Continue heating on low heat for a minute or two until the drink is sufficiently heated.
Now you can enjoy a delicious hot chocolate drink!